We understand that separation and divorce is distressing and can be difficult.The main aims of our family mediation service are to help you improve communication and to facilitate a less stressful separation or divorce.
Why would you consider family mediation ?
Family mediation promotes respect and healthier long-term communications.
Mediation permits you to avoid the situation where each party uses their own legal advisor to 'fight their cause'. You are in total control of the outcome.
Mediation is for parents who wish to co-parent their children, despite their separation, and minimise the negative impact of divorce on their children.
In mediation you are both working together towards a mutual goal and will achieve your objectives through a less stressful process.
Mediation is both less expensive and quicker than going to court.
Our family mediation sessions are carried out in private and are confidential.
About our family mediation service
Our family mediators have backgrounds in counselling and family law.
We are trained and CRB checked to work with children.
We have established a collaborative community of complementary services that can support you through your divorce or separation. For example, we can connect you with counsellors, life coaches, kids coaches, divorce coaches, independent financial advisors and support groups.
We are able to provide MIAMs (Mediation Information Assessment Meetings) or intake mediation sessions at your solicitor’s offices (if you have instructed a firm) or at one of our offices.
We have many qualified mediators working from most areas in London and can respond to our client's needs rapidly.